Monday, May 9, 2011

Time to turn the first hull

We're inviting our Gabriola friends, family and neighbours to come and help us turn the first hull. Here's the invitation.

Our first hull is complete! And now we’re asking for your help. Please join 49 of your friends and neighbours and help us turn it right way up.

Monday, May 23 at 1:30 p.m.
1725 Petkau Road
(last right-hand turn off Whalebone Drive)

The order of events:
1:30 -- Gather and take positions
2:00 -- Turn the hull
2:15 -- Admire the results! Have a coffee, chat with friends and enjoy an event-appropriate snack

Please RSVP to Robbie or Mary, 247-0242, or


  1. Sadly, this friend, family and neighbour is unable to participate owing to a small transatlantic location gap. Bon voyage!
