Or is it bulwarks? One rarely hears of a single, lonely bulwark, yet it does appear to exist as a singular noun.
Plural or singular, it (or they) are now attached to the hull. The port hull. The bulwark (or bulwarks) run full-length on the outboard side, and cover only a small section forward and aft on the inboard side.
Here it is dry-fit, with none of the notching for the beams cut.
And here it is glued and clamped. It's a relatively large glue job. We're into the reasonable weather again, so we don't have to worry much about temperature.
Forward inboard section |
Mind you, there are many, many layers of paint to apply first. And there's a deck to build. And the rigging. And the masts to finish. And the sails. And and.
She is looking great! Curious, how thick is the bulwark? From the pics it doesn't seem very substantial. Are there supports behind? Are you next putting in suppers, seems that in seas there could be a lot of water held.