Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How many clamps does it take to build a Wharram?

How many do you have?


  1. Nice fotos!
    As you ask :
    For a tiki 30 built, I use 30 medium 10cm steel clamps, +5 plastic largers,
    + 5 larger wood/steel and 2 full steel home made.
    + 15 very small (<=5cm)
    total 52

    Clamps are a limitating factor.
    50-60 clamps , 20cm or larger,... will be great!

    Nice built

    1. Thanks, syltao! We do have what seems like a ridiculous number of clamps. I haven't counted them. I think it's more than 52, but really, even 52 seems like a lot!
